The Spanish Wolverine Poster

Wolverine1The new Spanish poster for the movie The Wolverine (realease date of July 26th) is quite intense. A very focused Wolverine with claw out and Japanese katana held in the free hand may become highly collectable by both comic book fans and film poster collectors alike.

Source(s): SciFi Now

Al Pacino as Han Solo?

Perhaps with Pacino in the role of the famous smuggler there wouldn’t be a reimagining by George Lucas on Greedo’s death scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

Scarface Now this is something entirely out of left field, Al Pacino as Han Solo. Who would’ve thought that instead of Harrison Ford, who made famous the role of the likeable rogue in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, we would’ve been given an entirely different interpretation by the man known for The Godfather’s Michael Corleone.

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Doctor Who: Matt Smith Exits. So Who Will Be the Next Doctor?

Somehow, the series has to continue and to smartly have the series look back at the Doctor’s past adventures from a previous regeneration will make sense to keep Doctor Who ongoing.

David Tennant Returns?Spoiler Alert

BBC and The Telegraph have confirmed that Matt Smith is indeed leaving the series, Doctor Who. As for who will replace him, that could either be John Hurt or the return of David Tennant. If the cliffhanger of season seven is any indication, the 50th Anniversary special will no doubt address this particular addition. As for the ramifications, hopefully the series will make a change for the better and explore the psyche of what the Doctor really is.

Is all the ‘good’ that he is doing truly that, or is there some selfishness about him that viewers do not really know? Long time fans will recall that the First Doctor (William Hartnell) did have an air of selfishness and self-centeredness about him. The episode “Name of the Doctor” did come full circle with Hurt mimicking some of Hartnell’s style.

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What’s Next Now That Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters is Over?

The Transformers Prime series paints a landscape where the Autobots are few and the Decepticons are many.

70234439Transformers Prime is an animated series that is inherently dark. With Beast Hunters being the final season of this saga, Cartoon Network is putting a close to what is perhaps the best of all the re-imaging of Hasbro’s flagship product. Some fans may feel disappointed, and others will have to wonder what will become of the Autobots in their darkest hour. With seven more episodes remaining to be broadcast, hopefully that will be enough to wrap up everything that this series is cumulating to. With Predaking around, the big question is when will Grimlock and the Dinobots appear? IDW Publishing has a comic book featuring this mighty dinosaur. But as for this series, the character of Grimwing has yet to make a full appearance (since he exists as a toy). The battle with the Decepticons is not looking too good with when there is dissention in the air with Ultra Magnus now part of the team.

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New Pacific Rim TV Spot

Check out the latest action in the Pacific Rim UK TV spot. Directed by Guillermo del Toro (Films: Megamind, Puss In Boots & Kung Fu Panda 2) and starring Charlie Hunman (Film: Nicholas Nickelby, TV: Byker Grove), Ron Perlman (TV: Danny Phantom, Justice League & Teen Titans) and Rinko Kikuchi (Film: The Sky Crawlers).

Source(s): Total Film

Special Thanks: The JoBlo Movie Network