Three Chinese Films to be on the Lookout For! (And The Fantastic Umbrella Girl Too)

Quite often, Chinese New Year is when new films will be played to audiences worldwide, and what’s offered here are four selections we hope will begin production or play in 2024!

The Journey of Flower 2024 Movie Poster - Three Chinese Films to Look Out For in 2024Although Chinese New Year is two months away, the question of what movies will get released is likely to at least include The Journey of Flower. The other three Chinese films include Chang’An, Kung Fu Hustle 2 and Umbrella Girl.  While one is technically not even started production, I have hope that some news will be offered. As for the the former getting a wider distribution, it’d make sense to re-release this work during this holiday!

Chang’An was released in China over the Summer. As for why international distributors didn’t want to market it, the reason may well lie in the fact it’s not like a typical movie. Those who managed to see this work said it’s presented as vignettes with the characters reciting poetry. As for whether its like attending one of Shakespeare’s plays, I need to get my hands on a copy!

Even though Light Chaser Animation has been on a huge winning streak ever since White Snake, not every film gets the love it deserves. Tea Pets got tucked away on Tubi under a different title (Toys and Pets), and it’s a wonderful love story cum adventure. As for this studio’s latest, it apparently got a weekend screening at select cities during the month of October; I assume GKIDS holds the rights, and they will eventually deliver this movie to home video.

On the live-action front, it’s safe to say everyone wants Stephen Chow’s to make that sequel to Kung Fu Hustle. But when he said it won’t happen until after The Mermaid II is in the can, the wait is long! There’s very little information about this aquatic series too, but as for talk about the martial arts comedy, the industry has been abuzz about it since Jackie Chan is revealed to be attached to this overdue film some years ago.

Until that happens, my focus is on Umbrella Girl. The teaser trailer reveals a very charming and heartfelt story:

What’s said is simply: “Do you know that in this world, Animism [also includes] material energy transformation.”

The following plot synopsis is edited from the Chinese text, with a few liberties taken to fill in the blanks.

Everything in the realm is made possible by humans. It’s only when things are put to their best use can they be always be useful. Objects that are loved and cherished by their owners are said to have a spirit contained within them, and after a while, they can transform into humans. If it is abandoned and thrown away by its owner, it is said they will wander around the world with nowhere to go and eventually fade into ashes.

In this film, Qingdai is the name given to an old umbrella made during the Tang Dynasty. It was a turbulent time back then because of a civil war, and sadly, the person who possessed this umbrella lost it. And true to legend, it would become a young girl who would help other lost objects find their way in order to calm her own soul. But as for fulfilling her own quest, it will be tough to fill that vacancy in her own heart….

Well GO USA or GKIDS are the most likely candidates to bring most of these films to North America. It’s tough to say when they will make an official announcement, but until then, fans of Asian animation will have to be patient little Buddhas and it will happen.

Author: Ed Sum

I'm a freelance videographer and entertainment journalist (Absolute Underground Magazine, Two Hungry Blokes, and Otaku no Culture) with a wide range of interests. From archaeology to popular culture to paranormal studies, there's no stone unturned. Digging for the past and embracing "The Future" is my mantra.

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