Charles Ross Returns to Victoria for the One-Man Star Wars & LotR Show


One Man Lord of the Rings
Wednesday, Dec 10 at 8pm

One Man Star Wars
Thursday, Dec 11 at 8pm

Metro Theatre
1411 Quadra

Actor, performer, Charles Ross is more than just a one-man virtuoso. He’s a master storyteller, a bard and a vocal talent that audiences frequently find enjoyable when they go to see his one-man plays. In December, he will be returning to Victoria, British Columbia – the city that he made his home – and be performing Star Wars and Lord of the Rings just as The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies is about to release. The dates many Victorians will have to mark on the calendar is December 10th and 11th. 2014 when it plays at the Metro.

But with many years of touring and love from all around the world, he’s showing no signs of slowing down. The energy that he puts into each of his shows is phenomenal. He knows how to keep the material fresh because, quite simply, “They are just big two films that really resonate with me,” said Charles Ross.

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The Fantasy and Freedom Found with The Flight of Dragons

Peter Dickinson’s The Flight of Dragons looks at the mythical origins of the creature and postulates how they may have evolved based on real life science.

The Flight of Dragons Book Cover
This book is available for those who know where to look.

Not since 30 years ago has there been a worthy look at the nomenclature of dragons. Author Peter Dickinson and illustrator Wayne Anderson crafted the brilliant The Flight of Dragons. It’s a book that’s sadly forgotten. This unique tome and movie based on it looks at the mythical origins of the creature and postulates how they may have evolved based on real life science.

Literary observation and historical research fills the pages. The read is like that of a textbook. Dickinson draws upon centuries of research from clerics to theologians to explore the habitat and biology of a dragon. In what he gleams from various novelists, especially from Tolkien to McCaffrey, the ideas presented here read like something Charles Darwin would write.

Some readers might liken this work to that of On the Origin of Species. The prose is sometimes difficult to read, and whats presented is nothing like the Book of Dragons, as penned by a youthful Hiccup in the animated series How to Train Your Dragon. In the novels, Fishlegs is responsible for chronicling what they discover. His version gives stats and descriptions alongside illustrations. In Dickinson’s version, the drawings are phenomenally detailed. It’s doubtful that Hiccup will ever dissect a beast just to explain how the digestion system works.

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The Future of CGI Films: Creating True Photo-Realism

James Cameron may invest into this new system of rendering CGI films f he truly wants to remain ahead of the game

CGI Films and UnchartedIf keen observers of video game cinematics and CGI films think the computer graphics look great now, especially in how cloth material and hair are rendered, the next wave is going to be amazing.

The science behind how these surfaces are rendered have been restudied and restructured in such a way, where if there was a real world analogy: the way any type of thread is weaved on a loom in specific patterns is what the team of computer engineers from the Jacobs School of Engineering/UC San Diego looked at, but at a microscopic level. What they have discovered is a simpler method which matches this real world analogy and the ‘virtual threads’ are more cylindrical.

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LotR: What Did He Say?

Oh geez it’s amazing the things I miss because of a blown-up computer screen. No I tell a lie, it didn’t blow up, it just whimpered and died. But blown up sounded more exciting (It blown up good, it blown up real good).

Director Peter Jackson has informed Lord of the Rings Hobbit fans that Orlando Bloom’s (Legolas) scenes for the third film The Battle of the 5 Armies have wrapped up. And it’s only natural to wind down a 12 hour-long shoot with a few beers. But as we all know one tends to get a little silly with the help of good ol’ alcohol.

For those of you who don’t know, Orlando is reacting to a Hobbit Lord of the Rings fan song created by Erwin Beekveld. And if one has 10 whole hours of their life to spend freely (or you’re hosting a marathon rave) then by all means watch the video.