There’s no Shortage of Shorts at Fantasia 2020 on the Last Two Days…

If you haven’t checked out Fantasia’s many movie shorts, there’s not a lot of time left! The following are just my top surprise hits from this category of suspense filled or comedy goodness.

FantasiaBy Ed Sum
(The Vintage Tempest)

If you haven’t checked out Fantasia’s many movie shorts, there’s not a lot of time left! A few works caught my eye late Monday night and they can not go unnoticed without some kind of mention.

This year’s virtual edition is great! I hope the producers will continue to offer some parts of this show online. Eventually, when the pandemic is over, some events will have to consider how to carry on going forward. Those used to waiting in line for entry to the theatre should still get that aspect of what a film festival represents. Those who have come to love just logging into a website and streaming the content to their big screen television shouldn’t be cut short either.

However this event (and any other) progresses will require time to tell, and either way, I think going online is perfect for all the shorts that are out there. Film Festivals who think they aren’t popular and put them in low seating arrangements are quite literally cutting themselves short! Fair play gets those filmmakers noticed. Of the shorts I’ve seen, the following are worth watching! They are listed in no particular order.

Continue reading “There’s no Shortage of Shorts at Fantasia 2020 on the Last Two Days…”

The Prognosis on Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep

FantasiaBy Ed Sum
(The Vintage Tempest)

* Spoiler Alert

Could Dan Torrance (Ewan McGregor) be the Obi-Wan in Doctor Sleep to mentor Abra Stone (Kyliegh Curran)? She’s a gifted psychic who can sense when trouble is afoot! Casting choices and Star Wars references notwithstanding, the sequel looks at what has become of the Torrance family surviving the events of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. After a very lengthy introduction, I was caught up since it’s been years when I last saw the film.

Danny also has this gift and it’s simply called The Shining. It can be used for good or evil and the movie’s title is explained in what the boy, now a man, has become. He helps the elderly to comfortably pass on with his soothing voice and message of hope.

Continue reading “The Prognosis on Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep”