Highlights to Reel In at Fan Expo Vancouver 2019

Nearly half the cast appeared in the 2019 edition of Fan Expo Vancouver, and that was a huge thrill for me!

Fan Expo Vancouver General LOGOFan Expo Vancouver (March 1-3, 2019) is returning to form, and that’s to offer a mecca of delights to kickstart the first weekend of March with. This includes a larger than usual list of talents behind many a fan favourite comic book, television show or internet streaming channel. There are some video games, especially with Sony spotlighting the latest for the PS4, and this area never disappoints. With everything announced, I feel two days must be spent, minimum.

Ed Sum with GenieI’m very excited to see Arthur Adams on the list. I can finally get my Longshot trade paperback autographed! Pamela Anderson is not a regular at pop culture conventions and to hear she’s appearing is just as wonderful. I can “dream of” other talents I would love to see in the future if what’s highlighted here is a sign of who this show wants to bring to Vancouver, BC!

Folks familiar enough with this event will find plenty to do over the three-day event. A tentative schedule is online for folks to plan.

This event will take place in the West Building, and like last year is to have everything put into one huge space instead of spreading out. No explanation is given. On the plus side: everything is within easy reach. On the negative side: noise levels and potential overcrowding. My wish for the future is to have it take up an entire building.

Of particular note to content creators and film enthusiasts are:

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