Sometimes Being a “Dark Asset” is Problematical When Wanting Freedom from What Once Was

The main story about who can gain their freedom in Dark Asset is easy to figure out because of all the flashbacks being revealed.

Dark Asset Movie PosterSaban Films
Playing at Select theatres and on VOD

I can recognise shades of the cult movie Universal Soldier in Michael Winnick‘s Dark Asset, a science fiction cum conspiracy film about an ordinary soldier who gives up his life in order to be turned into a programmed killing machine. It’s almost like Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. But instead of making humanoid clones with biochip implants where when a coded signal activates them to fulfil General Order 66, here, the idea is more about augmentation and brainwashing.

When the story reveals Dr. Cain (Robert Patrick) is key to making these super soldiers–normal guys and girls who will activate to fulfil a mission after a signal is sent, I was curious. He plays very questionable characters extremely well. I loved him in The X-Files, and that was this film’s best selling point for me.

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