10 Monster Movies to Haunt Christmas With

Some of us love a good monster movie to enjoy on that cold winter’s night.

A Christmas Carol DVD CoverTo hear those sleigh bells jingling, going ring ting tingling will certainly hail the start of the holiday, but just how often do you hear a boo during this season? Some of us love a good monster movie to enjoy on that cold winter’s night. To wait for that final ray of light to fade away is enough to signal it’s time to get some fright on!

Assembled here is a list of monster movies threatening the holiday season by tormenting unlucky mortals who come across their way. Sometimes the message is clear in these films: it’s to help unite divided families to fight against a common threat. In others, it’s to show how better a person can become when not isolated away from society.

For the rest, a good horror tale helps make communities stronger. Slasher films featuring a deranged serial killer is its own special category and they tend to dominate other holiday lists. Some of the films in this list have a lesson to end with, but not all of them do. Some movies are just made to simply entertain.

Scrooged Movie Poster
Don’t get Scrooged [Blu-ray] on Amazon.Monster Movies
A Christmas Carol (1951)
Charles Dickens’ classic is the penultimate ghost story set around Christmas to watch or listen to on a merry holiday. In any form, from Disney’s animated retelling in Mickey’s Christmas Carol to Scrooged, the horror content remains the same and the best scene is when Scrooge confronts what isolation and being a miser can do unto oneself. This holiday has always been about fostering community spirit over exchanging gifts. This feeling is what makes this film a true gem instead of the movies that are rotten tomatoes — not all of them necessarily makes sense.

Author: Ed Sum

I'm a freelance videographer and entertainment journalist (Absolute Underground Magazine, Two Hungry Blokes, and Otaku no Culture) with a wide range of interests. From archaeology to popular culture to paranormal studies, there's no stone unturned. Digging for the past and embracing "The Future" is my mantra.

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