How The Banana Splits Movie Will Ruin Childhoods…

Banana SplitsBy Ed Sum
(The Vintage Tempest)

* Spoiler Alert

Home Video Release
August 27, 2019

Scheduled to air on Syfy channel on September 21, 2019.

Childhoods will certainly be ruined for anyone who grew up watching The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (TV Series (1968–1970) and have no intro before seeing the new movie. Every adorable aspect we loved from the classic is turned upside down in the 2019 film which reimagines the beloved bubblegum pop band variety show as heavy metal horror mayhem. I wondered what’d this film would be like if the Arabian Nights popped into existence to save the day….

Newcomers won’t be as affected, but I can’t buy into the thought robots are inside the suits which made the anthropomorphic band come alive. Fleegle (guitar, vocals), Bingo (drums, vocals), Drooper (bass, vocals) and Snorky (keyboards, effects) looked a bit gaunt when the real production had actors in huge body costumes and voice over veterans provided the goofy voices.

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