New Occult’s Tobin’s Spirit Guide May Be Revised for 2016, But It Pales….

41XVj1rd4VL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_By Ed Sum
(The Arcane Collector of Spiritual Lore)

Only the deathly curious will want to investigate the differences between Insight Edition‘s version of Tobin’s Spirit Guide with New Occult Review’s. Well, maybe a die-hard Ghostbuster will want to keep both editions nearby. In what one edition has, I wished the other also echoed. The latter pays closer attention to some of the jargon used in the original films — The “class” is defined, from level one, where these entities are regarded as “babies” of the ghost world to seven, where they are known as “metaspectres” — these are essentially god-like entities capable of destroying planets.

Many types are defined to organise the spirits world into specific categories. There are Apparitions, Banshees, Boogas, Doppelgangers, Dreads. Frights, Phantoms, Poltergeists, Spiritis, Spooks, Sprites, Vapors and Trolls (now try memorizing that and saying it backwards!). Most of the definitions are quickly defined, with very little examples from literary or folklore offered. I would have loved an entry about the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall.

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