In A Kingdom of the Dinosaurs, Who Can Survive?

Kingdom of Dinosaurs tries to honour the Jurassic Park formula. Instead of a thoughtful film, it’s more of a popcorn style B-flick in the same vein as a Michael Bay product–but minus the explosions.

Kingdom of the Dinosaurs

Available on Google Play

Kingdom of the Dinosaurs won’t fill the void that’s missing for fans of this genre. Jurassic World is over. In order to get a proper giant reptile fix these days requires searching digital services for indie works or simply subscribing to Discovery Plus. Scott Jeffrey‘s movie shows a world ruled by the said species, and humanity is just trying to escape becoming some behemoth’s next meal.

The year is 2030 and World War III has forced many people to hide. If they haven’t died from the radiation, then starvation will. After two years, one group is running out of supplies and has to leave their bunker to scavenge. Daniel (Clint Gordon), Drew (Mark Haldor) and Mia (Antonia Whillans) head out to find a world not run by humans anymore, and Louise (Chelsea Greenwood) is alone–she’s pregnant. This woman doesn’t sit around for too long since a non-moving target is easy prey.

But in what this group finds is a government experiment gone wrong. The dinosaurs they’ve created are loose, and they now rule the wasteland that was once North America.

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