The Only Damsel in Distress is What We Feel After Watching This Flick

Net every twist on the fairy tale convention can work, and where Damsel misses the mark is in providing a reason why she would befriend that serpent in the pit.

Damsel Movie PosterOnce viewers know the movie outline to Netflix’s Damsel, there’s hardly any surprise in regard to what will happen to Elodie (Millie Bobby Brown) in this fairy tale turned upside down. That also includes the empathy that’s expected for any princess who gets tossed to the pit, and expected to die because of the serpent that lies within.

There’s a dragon and while she is no true servant of evil, just what this serpentine represents suggests there’s more to this tale than meets the eye. I’d have to give it another view, focussing on this creature’s point of view, and trying to figure out if this beast was ever friendly to humans.

However, this movie is about a mortal woman who is no longer that lady in distress (as the title proposes). She’s able to hold her own, and I doubt she even wants to be married. The prince she meets is not all that charming once he shows his true colours. Also, I kept on thinking about DreamWorks Shrek while watching this work, and thankfully this live-action piece is not intentionally wanting to mirror the demeanour of Princess Fiona. Both are quite feisty, and I rather like it.

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